Samothrace, the island of the Big Gods.
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"A mountain in the middle of the sea, called "Fegari" (Moon in english). An amulet in the end of Aegean. Far for the many but always close for the ones that choose it and are chosen by it.
This is the island of Big Gods.
The gods of sky, nature and sea live here and their essense are obvious in all your senses.
Words can’t describe such a place. You should visit it to feel the weird sentiment that causes you and the energy that surrounds it.
An island for those who are young or feel young."
Suggested places:
Enjoy diving in their chilled waters. Take your favorite book with you and enjoy the calmness the landscape will offer you. Having nature so alive and so close to you, will wake up primitive instincts in you! Necessary accessory: athletic shoes for an easier ascent.
Suggested Vathres (Gria - "Old Lake", Fonias - "Assasin", Christos - "Christ").
You mustn't omit visiting Karidies in Ano Meria (Upper Side) for some Lamb Susi, Bean Soup and many more special dishes. Note that most of the products (if not all of them) are of their own production.
A moonscape is revealed to every visitor that arrives at Kipous ("Gardens"), a beach at the end of the central road of Samothrace while heading east. Cold and deep waters and a vast rocky beach overseeing the island of Imvros.
Saoki Bar organizes, almost on a daily base, live music performances in a beautiful environment right in front of the sea.
For some "after hour" action, you can go to Kafter across the street!
For a glass of tsipouro (local drink) or wine under the sound of baglamas (traditional Greek instrument), I suggest the traditional cafeteria at Therma.
For the famous "Pissa with Poupoula" dessert, home-made sweets and lemon juice, you can visit the island's capital, the scenic Hora.
For breakfast, "Stenaki" which is also located in Hora, will reward you with a variety of meals while you're enjoying their Jazz music selections.
At Paleopoli ("Old City"), you'll find the "Sanctuary of the Great Gods", the place where the "Kavirian Mysteries" were performed during the ancient times and in which many had been initiated, such as Herodotos, Fillipos, Olympiada, Alexander etc. The imposing nature of the building that has survived through the age of time will reveal the true historical dimensions of the island.
Also: The Gatilouzi Towers (Paleopoli), The Sun Gate (Paleopoli at 600m height), 4 other prehistoric settlements around Hora.
The secrets beauties of the island don't stop here!
The combination water and greenery makes Samothraki on of the most beautiful but also most "wild" islands. Take your happy mood, nice company and the urge for quest with you and Samothraki will not let you down!
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