Old town of Thessaloniki like a movie scenery of the 60s
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Thessaloniki is one of a kind.
I have thought of leaving the city many times in order to chase my luck in other bigger cities of the world, but not, this city is not letting me. Something unexpected happens every time and i empty my luggage again.
My beloved part of the city is the Old town and this is because of wonderful memories of me and my friends wandering in the narrow streets, drinking beers, talking, falling in love.
The Old town is always having a surprise for me. Each and every time i walk there, the confusing road structure will guide me to a new place, to a new little shop, to a new cafe with very good Greek coffee, or even to a terrace cafe where i can enjoy the best sunset in the world.
You go up Agios Dimitrios str. and there it is, the old town springs out like it is taken from an old 60s movie. You will see houses with small yards and wooden shutters, you will smell the flowers but you will also smell the food coming out of each window. Time has not passed over this place. It has been left intact.
You will meet old people playing backgammon in the yards and the old ladies will look at you like they are trying to understand where you come from. Children will go up and down playing with their footballs, music is coming out of every cafene and taverna. And the cars are limited.
A walk at the Old Town is like doing a brain format.
My troubles go away and all the problems disappear.
At last i am free to mind travel!
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