Mageras beach in Evoia, for the campers and the star lovers.
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Hello my friends.
Maybe the calendar is not looking on the summer months, but is still there if we continue to talk about our summer experiences! The summer found me under my umbrella at beach Mageras, another ideal destination for someone who is a novice to camping. A beach where in peak season is very crowded mostly with families and groups aged 25-30. However I have set the stage for making a free camping, since I'd love the place and in the evening, the switch was really scary. Once the sun set we stayed the moon revealed out of the middle of the Aegean.
How to get there
From the high bridge of Chalkida i drove for about 70km towards the beautiful area of Calamos. The distance between me and crystal waters was not very far and the way there was really beautiful.
The scenery of the beach
Although there was a fire during 2012 the nature is restoring itself and you can still enjoy its beautiful green scenery. This place is a must, with its clear waters and the colors of the Aegean that let you forget all your worries. As soon as you step on its white tiny marbles and you get your umbrella up and running, you feel so satisfyed and you let yourself enjoy the moments of bliss. The bay is relatively small and cute and on its right side there is a small cave made by the fallen rocks. On your left you will notice some space for camping right after some rocks indicating the different part of the beach.
The sky is unique cause of the absense of night lights and the moon is iresistable to watch coming out of the water, like it was hiding behind it.
Don't attempt to make a fireplace.
Very close to the beach you will find food supplies if you need them.
Keep up and remember that vacations don't have to happen only during summer!
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