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The bridge was initially built to connect two people: A thief and a duchess. It was made for love and it is thought to be haunted by love. The Bridge of Duchess Plakentia as the call it, is somewhere in Melissia district. It is built upon a beautiful creek which splits the nature of Melissia...
Bars and Beach Bars
On Archelaou str. in Pagkrati area, among the orange trees and the old school building of the 60s, the era, when the neighborhood was still importat, is revived. On 23 Archelaou str. i cross by the irresistible BOXES n' FOXES , of which i buy anything associated with special gifts and design...
While wandering around Plakas streets and very close to Monastiraki square I can't help but notice at Vrysakiou street this great traditional building. It's name is Vryssaki. At the beginning I didn't really expect, what I was about to see, but soon enough after stepping inside, I realized I am...
Bars and Beach Bars
Once upon a time there was a "Human"and inside this human there were other human, who formed a part of the bigger "Human". When you looked at it as a whole it looked like a poetically made sculpture. This is how i picture the bar "Human" everytime i visit it. When entering the "Human" you can...
Bars and Beach Bars
There are many times, when I have this false impression, that I know everything about the city I live in. Truth is, that Athens is a city that surprises me day after day! Unique, vibrant with many faces. For me personally this is also a fact that excites me, that I have so many things to learn...
Delicious Food
We were wandering around Exarhia's square, hungry and desperate for a good meal. We started going towards Ippokratous str, which everybody told us has many small taverns with home made food, but we were not very confident for that choice. We have been many times to Ippokratous's taverns and we are...
Athens is magical for me... I spend my happiest moments when i walk around its traditional streets a habit that fills me up with such an positive energy, which i can hardly describe with common words. But it feels real, like this hapiness is tangible. It is light, warmth, pulse, familiar smells,...
Things to do, Unique Travel Routes
Athens is full of interesting places, all around. Many beautiful spots, within a general chaos and an endless noise. Caffes and bars come and go. Around them all, however, are raised the physical limits of the city, the mountains that make Athens site unique. To the east there is Hymettus, the...
Bars and Beach Bars
0 0 1 191 1092 Allegria Consulting Company 9 2 1281 14.0 Wine experiences in the center of Athens! A bottle of a fine red wine, delicious tapas served all day and special friends to share them with you. This is the most successful type of psychotherapy for me and definitely my favorite. It was a...
Bars and Beach Bars
The moment you take the turn from Patision Str to Karamanlaki str, you tranfser to a different decade, a decade when appartments' terraces where styled in fer forge. This is the kind of terrace you can enjoy in the 14th Karamanlaki appartment, on the 5th floor of a retro buidling, where multispace...


