Its all about the décor at “Panda café” Thessaloniki
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I was walking down one of the most crowded streets of Thessaloniki called Delfon str. until a colorful paraphony distracted my sight, a lot of red disrupting the city's grey colour.
I was on the number 71. I stopped for a moment and stared at the scenery of a small café with red shop windows and the theatrical decoration of a postwar scene.
I decided that I had to experience that place and as such I took my coffee break there, being in a loose mood (Salonika style meaning sipping a coffee for two hours).
The café was called the Panda café and it definitely is the most theatrical place one can enjoy a beverage. I observed the place closely while i was there and every detail just fitted. The stylish details started from the glass that I was served in, to the ceiling where a mata-hari styled doll was provocatively looking at me hanging over a strip poll.
The owners who, as I later found out, have actual experience in acting, are running the place and as such they created their own theatrical scene. Every detail has had a lot of personal work and from that the café derives its uniqueness.
The coffee shop is suggested for loose mood coffee breaks and drinks until you are ready for the “after” nightlife of Thessaloniki. This theatrical experience can be yours though only if you manage to find a sit, as Panda café is almost always packed by fans of style.
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