Canal d'amour in Sidari, Corfu.
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Canal d ' amour is a strange beach that got its name from a French tourist, who discovered the first deep cave in the sea along with the love of her life, during her holidays in Corfu. So this magical place was named by her, canal d 'amour, and since hosts millions of tourists every year.
I do not know if you will find there the love of your life, but it worths it to swim in the emerald waters, to discover the small coves that have been shaped over the years by the geological formations of clay, to make a beauty mask with this clay, or to dive from different heights of the many unique and beautiful islands, or rocks nearby.
You should also walk around the path that has been built and especially enjoy the spectacular sunset looking at the northwestern part of Greece, just across from Italy, between the villages of Sidari and Perouládes, 40 km in the northern part of Corfu.
The channel of love has no precedent. Even if it have suffered serious human intervention, remains a worthwhile attraction if you can feel the aura and the energy it gives you, when the whirlpools of water run down the cliffs and pound on the walls, expecting you to listen to its magical call.
And you know very well that maybe next year nothing will be the same if a hard winter will change the shape of the landscape. Maybe, this magical aquamarine cave will not be there for you next summer, along with the love that might have been lost during the cold of winter.
Come and see, the Channel of Love will always be there .... to share its magic with you.
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