Φιλοι και Συνεργατες
Φιλοι και Συνεργατες
A great collection of people and websites we trust and want to share with you. Wonderful friends and partners who we support and they support us. We will be more than glad to have you on board, so please don't hesitate to drop us a line. If you are here for the fun, well have a glance cause they will travel you to completely new places or offer you unique knowledge and services
No need to say that this card will be totally essential for your summer vacation in Greece. We know the owners good and we can assure you they guarantee the best travels deals you can get in the Greek Market. Why not try it out? Check their website for more info and enjoy your summer in Greece with less money.
publishit magazine
Publishit Magazine is an e-zine, a virtual place about people, ideas, movements, Thessaloniki, Greece, her, him. Run by Marianna Tanagia since 2012 it is the host of all new things and ideas happening in North Greece right now. Check it out!
The Paper boat
Paper boats resemble childhood, travel you back to memories of love and attention. The Paper boat is a travel blog made by Ioanna Serafimidou, which will take you to the best kid-friendly places in Greece.